
Selkirk instructors honoured

Bob Hall
By Bob Hall
September 10th, 2014

Four Selkirk College instructors have been recognized for their professional excellence in the classroom and the college community.

Each year, Selkirk’s Standing Committee on Professional Excellence (SCOPE) honours staff members who stand out. Nominated by students and peers, the SCOPE Awards are handed out for exceptional performance.

This year’s SCOPE Award recipients include Taya Whitehead, Janet Mayr, Tracy Harvey and Carol Andrews. The award winners will be honoured in a ceremony in the Staff Lounge on the Castlegar Campus on Thursday, September 25 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.

“Every time I enter her classroom she always has a welcoming smile on her face and brightens up the room with her sense of humor,” a student wrote in Mayr’s nomination. “It is clear that Janet is passionate about her teaching.”

Janet Mayr is an instructor of Sociology and Women’s Studies in the School of University Arts & Sciences. Mayr has also been involved outside the classroom, working on Selkirk’s Curriculum Committee and the Status of Women Committee over the years.

Whitehead is an instructor in the Early Childhood Care & Education Program (ECCE). Nominated by a colleague, Whitehead is described as having made significant contributions to the College in the six years that she has been a Selkirk employee. Upon her arrival, Whitehead did a complete revision of the ECCE program which has resulted in three levels of ECCE programming at the College today: certificate, diploma, and post basic specialty certificates. She also developed an Employment Skills Access Training Program in Early Childhood Education which saw approximately 80 students trained as assistants in the West Kootenay Region.

Harvey is an instructor in the School of Environment & Geomatics. Harvey’sstudents describe her as passionate, enthusiastic and authentic. Harvey’s colleagues agree that she is a devoted student advocate who contributes generously to the College, serving on the Strategic Planning Committee, working with the Institutional Research team, and introducing new technology into the classroom.

Andrews is also an instructor in the School of Environment & Geomatics. In the nomination, Andrews’ colleagues spoke of her dedication to students and the program.

“She cares about each and every one of them and sets no limitations on what she will do to help them be better students and better people,” one colleague wrote. “I witness this virtually every day throughout the school year. It’s way, way more than just lectures and labs and marking and exams for Carol.  She relishes their every success. Carol is always well prepared for class and ensures the material she is teaching is current. She also has a wonderful sense of humor which goes a long way in the classroom.”

Learn more about Selkirk College programs and opportunities at selkirk.ca.


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