
UPDATED: Bargaining happening in BC Teachers' Labour Dispute

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 12th, 2014

It has been said: No News is Good News.

If this is the case then nothing coming out of the labour dispute negotiations between the BC Teachers’ Federation and the B.C. Public Employers’ Association is, in fact, good news.

Media reports said the two sides in the dispute bargained all day Saturday until just past midnight Sunday. 

Veteran mediator Vince Ready told reporters bargaining is happening.

At this time both sides have decided to abandon the media circus ring and will not discuss anything until something to say.

Monday will be the third week of the 2014-15 school term without any school.

LVR students stage Pro-Public Education rally Friday; two sides back mediated talks

L.V.  Rogers students Dunavan Janzen-Morris and Galen Boulanger were front and center Friday as the two seniors led more than 100 supporters of public education at the Pro-Public Education rally Friday in Nelson.

The march started at the former Extra-Foods Parking lot before some LVR bands student led the rally through the downtown core of Baker Street in Nelson, ending at the City Hall Courtyard.

There the crowd listened to speakers voicing their concerns over the continuing teachers strike that has crippled the public education system.

However, there may be a glimmer of hope as both sides involved in the labour dispute, the BC Teachers Federation and the B.C. Public Employers’ Association, met with mediator Vince Ready Thursday.

The school year has been delayed indefinitely as more than 40,000 teachers exchanged books for picket signs across the province in a dispute that started  almost two weeks before the end of the school year in June.

Bargaining has been non-existent as both sides lobby for public support.

Friday’s Pro-Public Education rally was the second march in Nelson as parents, students and the public continue to show their displeasure with how talks have commenced.

If current talks break down again, BC Premier Christy Clark hinted Thursday she is determined to get a conclusion taking off for a trade mission to India on October 9.

Clark leaves three days after the legislature resumes.

The BCTF also received more support in their fight as Ontario teachers donated $100,000 Friday to the teachers’ hardship fund.

Earlier in the week other public sector unions, including the BC Nurses, donated $8.5 Million to the BCTF.

‘Pro-Public Education’ students stage protest march Friday at High Noon

It’s time the student voice their concerns over the recent teachers’ strike.

Friday, beginning at noon from the former Extra Foods Parking Lot, students from throughout the region will be staging a protest rally march.

“We have organized a public rally, march, and demonstration for Public education. . . .We are Pro-Public Education,” said Grade 12 L.V. Rogers student Dunavan Janzen-Morris in a prepared statement.

Janzen-Morris, who along with Galen Boulanger is organizing the event, said the rally will be marching down Baker Street, then ending up at the Nelson City Hall plaza where a few students will speak, pro public education.

“This rally is to show that students are concerned with the situation, realize they have an opportunity to do something, and are seizing said opportunity,” Janzen-Morris explained.

“As students we are frustrated with the strike situation but realize that this enduring this adversity is worth the improvement of our education and future public education.”

Any questions, please call Janzen-Morris at 354-4641 or 777-3769 or Boulanger at 352-2603.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: Education


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