
Letter from father of local man killed in impaired driving incident: Let Brandon's legacy be one of love and forgiveness

By Contributor
September 20th, 2014

Ed. Note: This was a post written on a Facebook page called ‘In Loving Memory of Brando’, then sent to The Source. To read the related news article, click here .

Hello everyone.

Brandon’s dad here.

I hope and pray for each one of you, as you all struggle to accept such a terrible tragedy. Your outpouring of love, your messages, flowers and food and visits have been a great blessing to myself, his mother and family.

While I think about each one of you and pray for the coming days to again be bright and full of happiness, I also am thinking and praying for the 26-year-old woman who hit Brandon. As hard as it is, we want to see healing and hope fostered in the lives of everyone, including those who make horrific mistakes.

It does us no good to harbour hate or bitterness. We desire for her to get help and move on in her life and make a difference. Who knows, maybe she will impact someone to change their own lives around and make a positive impact in our world of brokeness and sadness.

I hope that is your prayer as well.

Thanks everyone. God bless you. Hope to see all of you at “Brando’s Celebration of Life” on Friday, Sept. 26, 11 a.m. at New Life Church , Castlegar. Across from SHSS.


Randy Robertson

Categories: GeneralLettersOp/Ed


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