
Incumbent councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff shares platform

Susan Heaton-Sherstobitoff
By Susan Heaton-Sherstobitoff
October 23rd, 2014

For the past three years, I have been honoured to serve the City of Castlegar as one of your Councillor’s. I have been working hard with residents and council to make our community what it is today – the second-fastest growing city in the West Kootenay’s.

I’m very much a team player and one that rolls up her sleeves. I am very approachable and do take all concerns, comments and suggestions to heart. What I’ve learned is that you really are one voice at the table and unless you work together as a team – nothing will get done. This doesn’t mean that I agree with everything that is put in front of me – I do my research, I ask questions and always vote on how I feel is in the best interest of our community. I fight for what I think is right – from voicing my concerns over the MMBC recycling program (or lack of) to the most recent disrespect our community received from CPR. I am community minded and have the commitment and passion to keep moving Castlegar forward for future generations.

Your current council has invested in vital infrastructure: $1 million in paving streets, over $6.3 million spent on storm drains, roadworks, sidewalks, jail renovation, equipment for public works, Twin Rivers Estates Park, converting street lights to LED technology – the first City in BC to do so and of course the construction of the Natural Swimming Ponds at Millennium Park. $7.3 million on water projects and $2.3 million on upgrades to the sewer system.

We continue to investigate ways to diversify our local economy – the marketing of the airport lands, selling of land to FortisBC and of course the construction of the Natural Swimming Ponds at Millennium Park, which has benefitted the whole entire region. We continue to work with NavCanada to make improvements to the reliability of the West Kootenay Regional Airport to move people in and out of the West Kootenays, which is vital to our economy. We continue to support local groups, non-profits and special events.

We are progressively moving Castlegar forward where Castlegar is now being recognized on an International stage for all the good that is happening in our community, from Communities in Bloom to the Castlegar Sculpture Walk!  We can now boast that ‘Castlegar is the Sculpture Capital’ of Canada. In addition, Castlegar was recently recognized as 100 neighborhoods set to lead growth in Canada and one of eight communities in BC.

I hold firm in my belief that we need to come together as one united region if we want to succeed in getting a new regional hospital. I believe that finding the best solutions to difficult issues requires respect, open dialogue and debate with residents before implementing policy. I respect the value of the tax dollar and the responsibility of ensuring that these dollars are allocated to our highest priorities/needs and not wants/desires.

My promise to you the residents of Castlegar if re-elected I will continue to be your ‘trusted voice’ at the table.

I will continue to work on:

•             Marketing and Selling of the Airport Lands to pay back expansion costs which in turn would give  our community jobs, and economic stability;

•             Find opportunities and new creative solutions to work towards uniting the region on Health Care issues to move the planning process along for a new regional hospital;

•             Improving the reliability of the airport;

•             Investing in Infrastructure where needed;

•             Ensure that our roads stay safe and that we improve walking and biking paths and sidewalks throughout our community to connect everyone;

•             Keeping taxes low – the envy of the West Kootenays – only spend were necessary.

Together we have done great things – big and small.

Some think that we don’t get it right sometimes but, like in life, you learn from your shortcomings and move on. But I can tell you – council makes decisions with the best available information we have. So this election, stay in touch and get involved. Let’s continue to build a better Castlegar for our families and our future.

On November 15th please vote for Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff.


Categories: GeneralOp/EdPolitics


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