
Introducing school trustee candidate Catherine Zaitsoff

By Contributor
October 29th, 2014

Why do I want to be a school trustee?

I want to be a school trustee because:

1)    I want to provide a voice for parents at the school board so there is understanding of the immediate effect of school board decisions on current students. I want to challenge each decision by asking “Is this in the best interest of ALL students and is our community being served well by this decision both now and in the future?”

2)    I want to loudly lobby for a better funding formula from the education ministry. I want to stand up and demand sustainable funding for school districts so school boards are able to provide essentials for our public education system and not balance the budget with cuts to an already bare bones system. I want to shine a “big light” on the leaky roofs, the broken floors and the lack of books and support and say ENOUGH.

3)    I want to ensure teachers and support staff always get the respect they deserve. I want to encourage a positive culture throughout all levels of the school district and a greater open dialogue with the community and stakeholders.

What kind of trustee will I be?

I am organized, articulate and passionate. I will ask questions; listen to the answers and research tirelessly when the answers aren’t readily available. I will consider each motion on its merits and make informed decisions. Above all, I will always be accountable as should the board. I would like to quote the Saskatchewan School Board association’s website because it describes exactly what I mean, “School boards are subject to three types of accountability: financial accountability, accountability for student learning and accountability to the electorate. Accountability for student learning is what school boards are all about. Their primary purpose is to ensure that all students achieve at high levels. The other two types of accountability support student learning and keep the school division running smoothly.”


I live in Robson with my husband and our six year old son. I have lived in the Robson/Castlegar area for 12 years and I have worked at teck and Celgar as a Lab Technologist and Systems coordinator. I am on the parent executive with the Russian preschool and the Twin Rivers/Castlegar Primary PAC. I have been the public speaking coordinator for the Miss Castlegar program for 10 years. Having grown up in Prince George, I consider myself lucky to live in the beautiful and warm Kootenays.

Elect Catherine Zaitsoff – School Trustee for School District #20

Area 2 – Castlegar/Robson/Raspberry/Deer Park/Renata and Paulson HWY

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