
Mayor speaks to issue of damaged snowplow

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
December 18th, 2014

In a politically-driven Facebook forum called The Castlegar Podium, striking union member Darrel Bojechko was expressing upset over the amount city managment are being paid to handle essential services such as snowplowing in the union’s absence, and added,And I might add they have done thousands of dollars damage to the equiptment (sic) also.”

Kyra Hoggan, of The Castlegar Source, asked for clarification, and was sent the attached picture via union member Michael Gagnier, of a snowplow that ended up stuck in the ditch during a snowstorm on Nov. 27. Gagnier said an expensive crane was required to extricate the vehicle, and the damage was extensive.

Having promised to get more details, The Source then contacted Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, who confirmed the plow was driven by city director of Transportation and Public Works Chris Barlow.

“Those accidents happen on a regular basis, every year,” Chernoff said. “That’s routine in winter, in any community. It happens to our most experienced drivers all the time.

“It’s not uncommon in any municipality to see a snowplow off the road in poor driving conditions.”

He said the truck is now fixed, and the city doesn’t begrudge the expense of the repairs, any more than it would for any of its regular union drivers.

Categories: GeneralPolitics


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