
Believe it or not, price of gas dips below a buck

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 14th, 2015

What can you get for under a buck?

Well, as of this week in Nelson, a litre of gas.

Petrol in the Heritage City joined the rest of the province in seeing its gas prices plummet from $1.40 not that long ago to 99.9.

Average gas prices have fallen more than 40 cents per litre since June due to declining oil prices.

The price throughout the West Kootenay Boundary is the same according to Gas Buddy website.

Experts say the estimated the 14 per cent slide at the pump since the end of September means a huge savings to consumers.

The current price of oil is listed at under $50 per barrel.

Of course, news is even better if you’re in the BC Interior, where price at the pump around Prince George has dipped below 90 cents.

And below 75 cents in Lethbridge, Alta.


This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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