
Two young Castlegar boys draw police attention with 'How to Kill Your Teacher' video

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
January 22nd, 2015

Two local youth achieved more attention than they bargained for after posting a video on YouTube discussing a violent theme, according to Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff.

“On Jan. 21, Nanaimo RCMP contacted the Castlegar RCMP and alerted them to a six-minute video which was posted on YouTube on Jan. 12 entitled How to Kill Your Teacher,” she said. “The video shows two boys about the age of 10 or 11 years old holding toy guns and discussing how to kill a teacher. The Nanaimo RCMP had initially been contacted by a Florida radio station host, who stumbled across the video and then found more footage by the same user featuring the Nanaimo airport.”

 She said further investigation by the Nanaimo RCMP revealed the two young boys are from Castlegar.

“Castlegar RCMP have spoken with the two boys responsible and are currently working with them, their parents, as well as with school officials to try to understand why they would create such a video,” Postnikoff said. “The children indicated this was intended to be a joke. The boys have been made aware how inappropriate their behaviour and video were. School officials are currently working with the RCMP to conduct a violence-risk assessment and are determining what sort of action will be pursued from within the school setting.  Due to the age of the boys (11 and 13 years old), charges will not be pursued, however, alternative measures are being utilized to ensure this does not happen again.”

She said this situation serves to underline the message police have been sending for years, urging young people to be very, very careful of what they post online. 

“It is important for kids to know that when you post something like this online, it can be taken very seriously and that what you think might be a joke, can be taken differently by someone who may feel they are a target,” she said. “Posting things like this can get you in serious trouble.”

Categories: CrimeGeneral


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