
2nd Rossland Winter Market -- January 31-- Read All ABout It!

By Contributor
January 26th, 2015

Saturday January 31st marks the Rossland Mountain Market’s second winter market of the season! Where & When: Miner’s Hall from 2:00 – 7:00 PM.    The Market is pleased to present 10 Farm and Food vendors, 10 Artisan vendors, Rossland City Council, the Rossland Museum and hot cooked food from Red Seal Chef Naomi Panschow.To top it all off, the Market is teaming up with Blizzard Music Festival to bring you free live music all afternoon PLUS an exciting All-Ages Benefit show from 8:30 – 9:30 PM.
In an effort to help the community know more about the products they find at the market and the people who make them, the Market has created a “20 Days of Vendors” Countdown to Market. This countdown features one vendor each day, and includes details, photos and contact information. “It is important for us all to understand where we are investing our dollar, and these vendor features are designed to provide you with background information on how, where and why these products are being made or grown. Our market is a place where you can feel good about spending your money, and these features are to help show why this is true,” says market manager Miche Warwick.

Visit www.facebook.com/rosslandmountainmarket to catch the countdown in action!
After the market, come back for a one hour ALL-AGES Benefit Concert! Andrew Parkhouse & the Magpies will be rippin’ up the stage, and you are invited to come dance your socks off with your kids and your friends! Tickets are $10 and can be found at the Alpine Grind. Kids 12 and under are FREE! This is the only all-ages Blizzardfest event, and it’s going to be a great musical performance. All proceeds from this event will support and develop the Rossland Mountain Market.   Doors open at 8 PM.

Visit www.rosslandmountainmarket.com for full market details and vendor information.
The Market is still seeking volunteers for Saturday’s event, so please email us if you’re interested in helping:  rosslandmountainmarket@gmail.com


This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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