
Toilet rebate program reduces drain on water supply

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
February 10th, 2015

City officials are flush with the success of their annual toilet rebate program, part of a range of initiatives the city is undertaking to plunge residents’ environmental footprint and city water management needs.

The City of Castlegar’s Toilet Rebate Program provides a utility tax rebate to single- and multi-family homeowners who replace an existing 13-litre toilet or greater with a low-flush toilet (6-litre or less).

Why should I replace my large volume toilet?

• Toilet flushing is the single highest use of water in the average home, so it also presents a prime opportunity for water conservation.

• High volume (13-litre or greater) toilets can account for over 30% of water use in the average home.

• A family of four using an older toilet will use approximately 98,420 litres per year in toilet flushes, while a family with a 6 litre low-flush toilet will use approximately 34,069 litres per year in toilet flushes, achieving a savings of 56,780 litres per year.

• Installing a 6-litre or less low-flush toilet could save more than 70 litres of water every day per family member and, when combined with a water meter, should put money back into your pocket.

• As of September 30, 2005, the provincial Water Conservation Plumbing Regulations have required that all new homes install low-flush toilets.

• The cost for treating water coming in and out of your home is a considerable amount of dollars. From 2010 to December 31, 2014, 214 toilets have been replaced in the Toilet Rebate Program. Using published averages, the replacement of 214 toilets will result in a minimum of 8.2 million litres of potable water being saved per year.

How do I know my toilet qualifies for the rebate program?

High volume toilets, 13-litre or greater, that are replaced with low flush toilets are eligible for the rebate program. The toilet’s flush volume is printed on the inside or rear of the tank.

Am I eligible for the rebate?

Property owners replacing high-volume toilets on all residential, single- and multi-family properties in the City of Castlegar are eligible to participate in the program.

Can I receive a rebate for a toilet I replaced several years ago?

Toilets purchased and installed after January 1, 2012 are eligible for a rebate, one time only.

Do low-flush toilets really work?

Low-flush toilets can perform as well as (or even better than) large volume units.

Does anyone check the toilet installation?

The City of Castlegar reserves the right to arrange an inspection of your newly installed low-flush toilet.

How to Qualify:

• The Toilet Rebate Program applies to installations in single- and multi-family homes constructed prior to March 15, 2010.

• Industrial, commercial and other non-residential properties are not eligible at this time.

• The program is funded to a maximum of $5,000 for 2015. Submitting an application does not guarantee a rebate – each application will be evaluated and processed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

• Toilets must be new, 6-litres or less, CSA or Warnock Hersey certified and be purchased from a local supplier.

• Toilets may be installed by the resident or by a licensed plumber (toilet replacement does not require a plumbing permit).

• Take a photograph of the old toilet in place and a photograph of the newly installed toilet in place. **Resident submitting rebate application must be in both photographs.

• Submit your completed application form (including photos) and receipt copy to: Civic Works Department, City of Castlegar, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 by December 31, 2015.

• A rebate credit of $75 for 6-litre toilet or $100 for HET 4.8 litre toilet (maximum two rebates per household) will be credited to your water utility bill/water meter bill once eligibility has been established (for the following year).

• If a resident applies for the toilet rebate in the year the toilet was purchased and program funding has been maximized for the current year, the resident may re-submit a rebate application in the following year if funding is available.

• Once the application is received and approved, a rebate credit (maximum 2 rebates per single- and/or multi-family dwelling) will be credited to your water utility bill/water meter bill for the following year.

• This rebate offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

For more information on the City of Castlegar’s Toilet Rebate Program, contact the Civic Works Department at 250-365-5979.

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