
Police arrest 38-year-old man for B & E to local business

The Nelson Daily Sports
By The Nelson Daily Sports
February 21st, 2015

A 38-year-old man is in police custody following a Break and Enter at a local Nelson business Tuesday (February 17).

The incident unfolded when Nelson Police were advised by a motorist at 11 p.m. of a Break & Enter in progress at local business.

Members raced to the scene. However, before police arrived the culprit had fled.

Fortunately there was excellent video surveillance, which showed the thief during the crime.

Short time later NPD members spotted the male and took him into custody.

The man, with an extensive criminal history, only arrived in Nelson a few hours earlier.

He will remain in custody and appear by video at a later date to answer to the charges of Break & Enter to a business with the intent to commit an offense therein.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: Crime


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