
UPDATED: Missing person found

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 25th, 2015

Nelson RCMP are pleased to advise that this individual has been located back at her residence.  As always the RCMP wish to thank Nelson Search and Rescue for their professionalism and quick response.

Previous coverage:

Nelson RCMP is asking for public assistance in locating a missing North Shore resident.

Tuesday, at 2:14 p.m., Nelson RCMP received a report from a concerned citizen that Karen Andrea Foden, a resident of Nelson’s North Shore, did not show up for a scheduled meet.

There is a concern about Foden’s health and well being and police are asking fro help in locating the North Shore resident.

Foden is described as 37 years of age, long dark brown hair with greenish eyes.

She is approximately 165 cm( 5′ 10″ tall) and 49 kg’s (110 pounds.)

Foden was last seen on Monday (February 23) at resource centre on Victoria Street in Nelson, but spoke with her friend Tuesday morning and indicated she was at her North Shore home.

She has not been heard from since this time.

If anyone has any information on Andrea Foden they are asked to contact Nelson RCMP at 250-352-2156.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: Crime


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