
LETTER: Community support may win Castlegar resident international recognition

By Contributor
March 2nd, 2015

Ed. Note: The Source only heard of Krystal yesterday when she messaged me (the editor) on Facebook about her endeavours. As I see our role as sharing unique success stories and neat Castlegar-based efforts, I was only too happy to share Krystal’s message. It was incredibly fun to watch Source readers respond with 61 comments (so far), 111 shares, and hundreds upon hundreds of votes for Krystal on the L’Oreal contest page. It made for a wonderful Sunday for myself, Krystal and her supporters. If she makes it into the Top 5 for Canada, you can bank on Source coverage of the finals. Way to go, Castlegar!

Good Afternoon Castlegar Source!

My name is Krystal Sutherland. I am 28-year-old mother of two adorable little boys, one who is 2.5 years old and the other is 10 months today! I’m a full-time, stay-at-home mom and part-time professional makeup artist.

I was recently told about L’oreal’s The Brush Contest by a friend who felt I should enter as she thought I had a really good chance of winning.

So I looked into the competition and immediately knew I had to enter, as I had nothing to lose and everything to gain!

I entered right away and automatically received rave reviews! People loved it and it was doing extremely well on YouTube (nearly 10,000 views!).

The contest entries were extended and we were told we would receive emails stating if we had made it or not. I never received one. So just when I thought I must have not made it, I got a post on my YouTube channel saying “Good luck in the finals! Vote for me too!”

I was stunned! WHAT! I made it?

And sure enough there I was, on L’oreal’s The Brush Contest page!!! I beat out thousands to be in the Top 50 for Canada!! I cannot tell you how shocked I was and still am, especially because I hadn’t received any notice. But regardless, I made it! So I started sharing with family and friends asking them to please share the link as the contest was viewer voted and I needed 2000+ votes to be in the Top 5.

To make a long story short(er) I quickly realized the contest was to end March 2nd (today) and that I had less than 12 hours to get thousands of votes! And I did, I got just over 1,000 votes thanks to major support from family, friends and the community!

I would love to say that is where it ends and Tada! I’m off to Paris for the finale! But the contest has been extended till March 15 and I am still thousands away from being in the Top 5!

So I need everyone’s help to live my dream that is just in reach, I just need good a shove!

If you could all please share the link below with family, friends and anyone who will listen, It would mean the world to myself, my family and would bring a piece of our small little town to Paris, France for what is going to be the event of a lifetime!

It takes two seconds, one click and is definitely a lot shorter than this!

Thank you so much everyone for helping bring my dream to reality! We live in such a beautiful community, with beautiful people and I am so proud to represent Castlegar!

You guys ROCK!!

-Krystal Sutherland of Krystal Clear Makeup


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