
LETTER: Event to showcase teens with talent

By Contributor
April 30th, 2015

Dear Editor,                       

Castlegar and District Community Services Society’s (CDCSS) new and emerging Youth Program and Youth Council Advisory group are very excited to invite you to attend and/or participate in the First Annual Castlegar Youth Arts and Talent Event on May 30. 

The month of May celebrates National Youth Arts and Talent Week and we want to celebrate this theme while at the same time paying public recognition to the first-year successes of the CDCSS Youth Program. This fun-filled event will include a talent show for youth, an unveiling of the Castlegar Youth Program murals on the CDCSS building across the street from the park, speeches from youth and keynote speakers from the community. There will be food and refreshments, cotton candy, popcorn and baked goods, henna tattoos and face painting, DJ music during the day and local bands and musicians in the evening provided through Supercats Studios and other artists, big prizes for youth participants as well as door prizes and big silent auction items such as a logging-truck load of firewood. Get ready for a fun day in the park! All ages are welcome.

 We need youth applicants to make this event a success. This event will showcase local youth talent in a variety of forms, ranging from visual to performance arts. We encourage any youth ages 12-19 to enter the contest and showcase/perform their talents for the community and the chance to win big prizes! We will have prominent judges for the show such as Neil Harrower, the president of the BC and Nelson Arts Councils, Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff from the Castlegar Recreation Center and Kootenay Festival of the Arts Organizer, and Kari Burk, a local artist and author. Prizes will be announced soon

The application deadline for this event is May 15. If you are a teen with a talent contact Zoe Mackay at 250-365-2104 ext 25 or e-mail castlegaryouthcouncil@cdcss.ca to receive your application package today! Application packages can be picked up and dropped off at Castlegar Community Services Society 1007,2nd St, or at the front desk of Stanley Humphrey Secondary School.  If you are an adult and wish to volunteer, we welcome any support. Contact the number above, e-mail us or message us on the Castlegar Youth Council facebook page to join today!

Zoe Mackay, BCYC          

Castlegar and District Community Services Society

Youth Program Coordinator


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