
Kaslo, New Denver prepare to host May Days Celebrations

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 14th, 2015

The Victoria Day long weekend comes a little earlier this year.

But that will not stop organizers in Kaslo and New Denver from rolling out the red carpet on May Days Celebrations 2015.

And if Mother Nature cooperates by giving some great weather, New Denver and Kalso will give locals the best reason for a Staycation with the traditional May Day celebrations on the he unofficial first long weekend of summer.

Both celebrations have been around for more than 100 years — Kaslo 121 and New Denver 107 years young.

In New Denver, May Days kicks off with the Miss New Denver Pagent Friday.

The schedule continues with Fishing Derby Saturday, Soap Box Derby Sunday and Parade Monday.

A few kilometers to the north is May Days Kaslo style.

The public is welcome to attend the always entertaining Logger Sports in Kaslo — Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Also on the Kaslo schedule is also Show’n Shine, a Horse Demonstration, helicpoter rides and the slo-pitch ball tournament capped off by the May Day Parade at noon on Victoria Day Monday.

For complete list of events for New Denver May Days, check out: http://www.newdenvermaydays.com/schedule1.html

Kaslo events can be obtained at: http://issuu.com/pennywise4/docs/may_days_sched_web

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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