
B.C. provides $250K boost for Shriners Care for Kids transportation

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 19th, 2015

Nelson Realtor Robert Goertz and Shriners of BC and Yukon got more than they bargained for after crossing the finish line Monday in Nelson in the “Ahead of the Curve” Relay Run.

Finance Minister Michael de Jong, who ran in the relay, dropped off cheque for $250,000 to help cover capital expenditures for the improvement of the Shriners Care for Kids transportation program.

“The Shriners work hard to put every dollar they can towards assisting these children,” said de Jong in a government-released statement.

“This funding will boost their efforts to cover the costs associated with transporting children to and from treatment.”

Goertz and his family chose to organize and implement a 241km (150 Mile) relay-run from Shriners Hospitals for Children – Spokane to Nelson to raise money and awareness about the Spokane Shriners Hospital and how Shriners of BC & Yukon provide transportation for getting patients there and back.

The race began Saturday before concluding Monday in Nelson.

“My daughter’s life has been transformed through the care and treatment she received from Dr. Bronson and the entire staff of the Shriners Hospital in Spokane, WA,” Goertz said.

“I know my daughter’s story isn’t completely unique. There are thousands of children every year whose lives are changed forever by the work of the Shriners Organization, this is something we can do to say thank you.”

de Jong ran the 10 kilometers section of the race in support of the Shriners of B.C. & Yukon – Shriners Care for Kids.

The relay race began in Spokane WA on May 16, and arrived in Nelson B.C. today, May 18. de Jong ran a 10-km section of the race.

“On behalf of all the Shriners of British Columbia and Yukon, our patients and their families that we care for, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to the Government of British Columbia for this generous contribution and the personal effort of the Honourable Michael de Jong who ran 10 kilometres, towards the support of our good works,” said Dan Mellor, Chairman and CEO, Shriners of BC & Yukon – Shriners Care for Kids.

Since 1903, the Shriners have contributed hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours in British Columbia to raise millions of dollars to provide for the care, needs and transportation of thousands of B.C. children requiring exceptional pediatric treatment for medical concerns such as orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate conditions, regardless of the family’s ability to pay.

Goertz, organizer of “Ahead of the Curve” Relay Run, felt a need to give back after daughter Talia’s celebrated a recent anniversary after being healed thanks to the Shriners of B.C.

“We wanted to give something back in appreciation for the care our daughter received and help raise awareness about how the Shriners of B.C. provide transportation for thousands of children every year so they can get the treatment they need,” said Goertz.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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