
Forest fire crews rescue baby owl named Norman

By Contributor
May 28th, 2015

On Tuesday, May 26 the Sentinal Unit Crew from the Southeast Fire Centre discovered this baby owl on the Little Bobtail Lake fire. He had fallen from his nest and was too young to fly. He was rescued by a Wildfire Management Branch Falling Coordinator based out of the Cobble Hill Zone in the Coastal Fire Centre. A wildlife rehabilitation centre was consulted before the owl was rescued.

He was taken in by Second Chance Wildlife Recovery Centre in Quesnel. Today, he will be flown to the OWL Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society in Delta, where he will be raised with an adult male and female owl. Once the rescued owl is able to survive on his own, he will be returned to where the crew members found him so he can continue life in his natural habitat.

He was found in the black, outside of his nest, unable to fly and vulnerable to prey. He was a little scared, but is now healthy and happy to have a second chance at life. Crews have named him Norman, after Norman Lake.

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