
Paige Purcell knows already at a young age the importance of giving

Bruce Fuhr
By Bruce Fuhr
June 5th, 2015

Despite her age, Paige Purcell continues to be one of Nelson’s largest fundraisers for the BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver.

The five-year-old Nelsonite was diagnosed with a brain tumour a few years ago.

It was at BC Children’s Hospital that Purcell had the life-saving operation.

And since Purcell experienced the life-changing moment, she wanted to give back to the BCCH.

This past weekend Purcell had the opportunity to do just that during the 28th annual Miracle Weekend in Vancouver.

Purcell raised $2085 — about $700 was from empties, $600 by Paige and mother Andrea, approximately $100 from Nelson Leafs Recycling Depot and the balance from on line donations to her ChildRun page.

Her total granted Purcell “SuperHero” status during the ChildRun run for BCCH.

“I find that in Nelson there are not many children raising money like her, but at the (Child)Run and telethon there are so many,” Paige’s mother Andrea, told The Nelson Daily.

“It was s so nice to be able to show her that all her hard works fundraising makes a difference.”

Since the operation in 2012, Paige Purcell has been on a mission to give back to BCCH.

In 2014, by collecting bottles from people who call up wanting to give or through donations at the Nelson Leafs Recycling Depot, Purcell donated $3,315 to BCCH.

Did we say Purcell also made a donation to her doctor from her birthday money.

Last weekend in Vancouver, Paige Purcell continued her quest to raise money for BCCH while at the same time getting reacquainted with friends she met during her time spent at the hospital.

One of Paige’s best friends is G, who just recently had life-saving surgery for brain cancer.

“We met when our girls tumours where found in 2012 . . . just after Paige had hers out (the two) have been friends since,” Andrea Purcell explains, who is also indebted to Nelson Friends of Family for the support after Paige’s original diagnosis.

“G’s tumor is one of kind and the first of its kind. Paige and her playing is amazing as G is still recovering and needs a good friend to help her and accept her as Paige does.”

“It is heart warming to say the least,” Purcell adds.

The best friends were able to experience the ChildRun together.

Paige was also part of the 28th annual Miracle Weekend, hosted by Global BC TV on May 30-31, participating for five hours on–stage during the television broadcast with many other BCCH kids.

“I find that in Nelson there are not many children raising money like her, but at the Run and telethon there are so many,” Andrea Purcell said.

“It was s so nice to be able to show her that all her hard works fundraising makes a difference.”

Purcell said people could still drop off empties at the Nelson Leafs bottle depot where they can donate the refund to Paige’s account.

However, to help out donators are asked to sort the recycling and at the checkout line, just say the money goes to Paige’s account.

Because this young girl from Nelson knows all about miracles, and if her fundraising work can help just one more child live a better life, then the world is going to be a better place for everyone.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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