
OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Trail and Castlegar's good Karma?

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 3rd, 2015

Has anyone else noticed how very different the current news cycle is, compared to what we’ve become accustomed to?

We had a couple of stretches where it seemed like we were dealing with one horrific, traumatizing, heartbreaking story after another – I spent many nights on the phone or Facebook chat with readers trying to sort out how to process such awful information about death and tragedy and loss. (I’m not going make everyone relive it by listing anything, but I think a lot of people will know exactly what I am talking about).

But for the last couple of weeks (everyone knock on wood), it seems like one story after another is uplifting, heartwarming, and has a happy ending.

Sgt. Eric Honeyman’s repatriation, Kate McEachern’s The Long Way Home, Canada Day at Millennium, the missing couple today who are safe and sound … the list goes on.

Even the stories of car crashes and house fires have all ended with, “miraculously, no one was injured.”

Then there have been the fundraisers for people who did lose their belongings in a fire or crash.

Lost people have been found, bad guys arrested, the storm cleaned up with none of our own taken from us.

New parks, new programs, new money, new bridges, and story after story of locals acknowledging and honouring each others’ accomplishments and contributions.

We’ve seen both locals and visitors do touching, inspiring things.

There has been no lack of coverage opportunities, they’ve just all been positive and  upbeat.

After some of our sadder news cycles, this, for me, is like cool ointment on a burn … and I just wanted to acknowledge it, and wish you and yours a safe, joyful summer.

Categories: GeneralOp/Ed


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