
UPDATED: BC Wildlife Services increases manpower on Sitkum Creek fire; meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at at ecole des Sentiers-alpins French language school

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 7th, 2015

BC Wildlife Service has increased on-the-ground manpower for the Sitkum Creek wildfire in the mountains north of the City of Nelson.

The firefighting crews has been stepped up from 49 to 82-man ground crew.

The firefighters are supported by three helicopters and nine pieces of heavy machinery.

The wildfire, which sparked up due to lightning Saturday (July 4) afternoon, has been threatening 350 residents in the area between Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point (Six Mile Lakes Road).

The Regional District of Central Kootenay issued an Evacuation Alert for those same residents.

Tonight at 7 p.m., residents of the Duhamel and Sitkum Creek area have an opportunity to get a first hand update of the wildfire during a public information meeting on Wednesday, (July 8) at 7 p.m at ecole des Sentiers-alpins (French language school, formally A.I. Collinson) located at 2780 Highway 3A concerning the wildfire.

BC Wildfire Service crews continue to battle Sitkum Creek fire; public information meeting Wednesday

BC Wildfire Service firefighters continue to use a ground attack supported by air tankers to contain Sitkum Creek wildfire north of Nelson.

“Fire is holding within retardant lines,” said a Southeast Fire Centre release.

“The primary objective of BC Wildfire Service Crews is to limit the fire spread down slope towards the identified values.”

The fire, which is believed to have been caused by lightning and now estimated now at 380 hectares, was barely visible as smoke covered the Sitkum Creek mountain side as well as filling the valley.

However, the smoke was not bad enough for an advisory for West Kootenay residents on the BC Air Quality website.

Air support along with 49 firefighters and four pieces of heavy equipment continue to fight the wildfire.

Despite the solid work of the BC Wildfire Service firefighters, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Emergency Operations Centre continues to keep an evacuation alert for the 350 residents in the area between Sitkum Creek South and Willow Point (Six Mile Lakes Road).

Residents of the Duhamel and Sitkum Creek area have an opportunity to get a first hand update of the wildfire during a public information meeting on Wednesday, (July 8) at 7 p.m at ecole des Sentiers-alpins (French language school, formally A.I. Collinson) located at 2780 Highway 3A concerning the wildfire.

Enviroment Canada is calling for temperatures in the high 30’s to Friday before cooling down on the weekend. There is an expected 40 percent chance of rain during the weekend.

This fire continues to be highly visible from the City of Nelson, surrounding areas and Highway 3A.

To report a wildfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.

Sitkum Creek wildfire grows to 380 hectares

The Southeast Fire Centre said Tuesday the Sitkum Creek wildfire north of Nelson has increased in size to 380 hectares.

The wildfire originally was estimated at 10 hectares when is was first reported Saturday.

“The fire is holding within retardant lines,” said the Southeast Fire Centre.

“The primary objective of the BC Wildfire Service Crews is to contain the south and west flanks of the fire so it does not spread into local nearby residences.”

Currently there are 49 firefighters on the ground battling the blaze with assistance of one helicopter and four pieces of heavy equipment.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre has continued an evacuation alert for the 350 residents in the Sitkum Creek and Willow Point (Six Mile Lakes) area as a precautionary measure due to erratic wind conditions.

For more information check the RDCK website.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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