
LETTER: Council needs to reconsider Connors Road

By Contributor
July 15th, 2015

Dear Editor,

How refreshing and amazing it was that council reconsidered their actions and  took an other look at one family’s situation. However,  no such consideration  has been extended to 40 or more families living in the Connors Road/Riverside  Crescent subdivision whose quality of life and home resale value has been impacted by train horn noise.

Do you know the decibel level of a train horn? 

Have you ever sat in a vehicle at a rail crossing and closed windows because of the loudness? Now, imagine that noise right outside your front door five or six times a  day.

This is what we are living with because council has forced it on us. The rail crossing is not needed as there already exists a well-used alternate route.

When Mayor Chernoff is quoted as saying, “Council is sincere in their desire to secure the promise of Castlegar’s motto, “Happily Ever After”, for all residents, and, “…things aren’t written in stone. This was the caring thing to do. “

Excuse my disbelief!

Well, I want to say, come on, Council! Let’s have some reconsidering done on the rail crossing. Not only is it not needed,  but goes against council’s own OCP regarding buffer zones, green spaces and noise pollution.

As Mayor Chernoff says, it’s not written in stone, and it was not the caring  
thing to do.

Nesta Hale

Castlegar, BC
