
Annual RedFish Festival packs in the people

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 1st, 2015

About 1500 campers and residents came out to the Kokanee Park Visitors Centre Sunday to celebrate the return of the Kokanee at the annual RedFish Festival.

And they didn’t mind the rain at all!

Festivities  moved inside the centre and theatre and kids made great outdoor crafts in the Discovery Room.

Meanwhile, centre naturalists conducted channel tours outside and answered questions about the life cycle of the Kokanee.  

The resident bear and her cub made an appearance, but everyone followed instructions to  keep clear of her area.

The centre will be open to the public until Labour Day and will close over the winter until next summer season.

School field trips to the centre to learn about the Kokanee are expected to begin not long after school starts.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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