
Coming to the Kootenays — Nelson/Creston MLA invites Miley Cyrus

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 2nd, 2015

In an effort to more broadly engage the pop star on wildlife and ecosystem protection in BC, Michelle Mungall has invited Miley Cyrus to her riding to tour the habitat of the endangered mountain caribou.
Cyrus made national headlines last month when she criticized the BC Government’s wolf cull as part of the strategy to save mountain caribou from extinction.

Premier Christy Clark re-buffed Cyrus’s comments saying that she would call the star if she needed advice on twerking.
Mungall is taking a different approach, hoping to leverage Cyrus’s star power to better inform and engage the broader public on what she calls a very complex issue.

Earlier today Mungall tweeted Cyrus a letter inviting her to come to the Selkirks to collaborate on solutions beneficial to wolves, caribou and the habitat that they share.
“Whether Miley takes me up on my invitation or not, it is important that we continue to build understanding around this issue,” says Mungall.

“Habitat protection must be the long-term solution that we are working towards to protect both caribou and wolves.”

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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