
Locals put on free Halloween attraction for residents

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
October 31st, 2015

Looking for a scare Halloween night? You can head on down to Robson, where a local resident and homeowner is putting on an haunted yard for the third year in a row.

Brandy Danychuck  says hardly anyone showed up the first year, and the second year saw about 30 people, so she’s hoping this year will at least double that as word gets out.

“It’s free, we just ask for donations for the food bank, which are appreciated but not necessary – everyone’s welcome,” she said, stressing that anyone with small children should come during daylight hours, because it might be too scary at night. “Also, this is a walk through, so please make sure to park at the bottom of the drive.”

The yard is on Broadwater Road in Robson, and she said Frankenstien will be there to direct you in, and the first 120 visitors will get candy.

 “Last year was a great, people actually showed up and had a great time,” she said. “We even had one lady run out scared.

“We add new things every year, so each year it will get bigger and better.”

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