
Recreation Commission to unveil draft master plan

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
November 25th, 2015

Want to help determine how Castlegar puts the ‘fun’ in functional?

You’re nearing your last chance to provide input as the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission  (CDRC) prepares to unveil its Draft Recreation Master Plan, covering everything from indoor and outdoor facility priorities, tovfinancing options and service delivery.

Jim Crockett, manager of recreation for the CDRC, says much has gone into developing the master plan, and residents have only a matter of weeks now to weigh in on the result.

“What was undertaken was quite an extensive evaluation process, including a comprehensive review of recreation delivery in the region, trends across the province, and a public consultation piece that included surveys distributed to every household in Castlegar as well as RDCK Area I and J.

“There were also stakeholder and community-group interviews and surveys, as well as interviews and surveys with elected officials and staff,” he added.

“From that process, the consultants developed a master plan, and there will be open houses Monday to let the community view the last draft before it is finalized.”

Crockett said the open houses will boast an outline of the plan, with consultants and staff on hand to answer any questions and receive feedback, as well as a comment sheet for attendees.

Can’t make it to the open houses?

The draft master plan will also be posted on the RDCK website, with a comments section allowing for feedback, which will remain up for at least two weeks – but once that closes, the opportunity for speaking up will be over.

At that point, the consultants will process the last comments and data received and will submit their final plan to the Recreation Commission for approval. Once the commission has voted on a final draft, it will be brought to the RDCK board with the recommendation from the CDRC that the plan be adopted. Implementation of the plan will begin immediately after adoption, according to the timelines laid out in the plan.

“I’d like to offer our thanks to everyone who has participated to this point,” Crockett said. “We’d also like to strongly encourage everyone to come out Monday, have a look, and offer their perspective.”

The open houses will be held on Monday, Nov. 30, from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Castlegar Complex.

For more information, call the Complex at 250-365-3386.
