
Back by popular demand, the CP Holiday Train returns to Nelson and Castlegar

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 8th, 2015

Every year, the Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Trains travels through dozens of communities, raising food and cash donations for local food banks.

This year the CP Holiday Train is back in the West Kootenay after a two-year hiatus, returning to Nelson and Castlegar Monday, December 14.

The Castlegar stop kicks off the day, with the CP Holiday Train gliding into the Sunflower City at Heritage Society CP Station Museum at 3:30 p.m.

The CP Holiday Train then returns on the tracks to the Heritage City for a 6:35-6:45 p.m. stop at Lakeside Park Railway Crossing.

Again this year, the Holiday Train program is encouraging people attending events to bring heart healthy donations.

Appearing on the BoxCar Stage in Nelson and Castlegar on stage is Jim Cuddy, Devin Cuddy and Kelly Prescott.

The two brightly lit trains kicked off in the Montreal area on November 27 and 28 on their way to visit approximately 150 communities.

The “Canadian Train” travels west across Canada finishing its journey in Port Coquitlam, December 19.

The concerts are always free, but you’re encouraged to make a donation to the local food bank — either a non-perishable food item or a cash donation. All contributions will stay in your community.

The last time the Holiday Train stopped in Nelson was in 2013 as well as 2011.

Since the inception of the CP Holiday Train back in 1999, more $10.6 million and 3.3 million pounds of food for North American food banks.

Everything raised in each community stays in that community, and CP additionally makes donations at each stop. 

All the money raised stays in the community.

Each Holiday Train consists of 14 brightly decorated railcars, including a modified boxcar that has been turned into a traveling stage for performers.

For the 15th year, CP’s elves have updated the thousands of LED lights that adorn the sides of both trains with new holiday designs.

Nelson Police Department Sergeant Dino Falcone said the Nelson Salvation Army will have a cube van in the vicinity of the show and will happily take any non-perishable food items. Save-On-Foods will also be on location to give out Holiday Treats.

Pedestrians will have free access to the site; however, barricades for motor vehicles will be set up ½ hour prior to the show.

There will be a barricade with Nelson Police and Reserve members set up at Gordon Street and Third Street and at Second Street and Kokanee Street.

“If a Police Officer/Reserve or a member of the train crew is directing traffic or pedestrians, please obey their directions,” Falcone said.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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