
SPCA asks residents to oppose changes to wolf/grizzly hunting rules

By Contributor
December 17th, 2015

The BC SPCA is encouraging British Columbians to voice their opinion on proposed changes that will remove the limit on how many wolves hunters can kill in the Peace Region and triple the number of grizzly bears that can be killed in the same area.

B.C.’s Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations wants to remove any closed season for wolf hunting and remove the former bag limit of three per year, and triple the number of grizzlies that can be killed in the Peace Region from 50 to 150. The public has until Dec. 31 to provide feedback online about the proposed changes.

“B.C.’s wildlife is not just a resource for hunters and trappers to use – B.C.’s wildlife belongs to all British Columbians, and it’s their tax dollars that fund these policies,” says BC SPCA chief scientific officer Dr. Sara Dubois. “Many conservation and animal welfare scientists disagree with the ministry’s guesstimate on bear and wolf populations – plus the killing of these animals is not for sustenance, it amounts to trophy hunting only.”

It is important for people to make their opinions on the proposed policy changes known, and not just on social media, Dubois says. For actual policy consideration, members of the public need to register their opinion in the official process by registering and posting comments within the survey, which is easy to do.

“We know it’s a busy time of year, but we’re hoping people will take a few minutes to review the proposed changes and let the government know how they feel about them.”

For more information:



View proposed changes:

Wolf Hunting: http://apps.nrs.gov.bc.ca/pub/ahte/hunting/amend-season-dates-and-bag-limit-wolves

Grizzly Hunting:http://apps.nrs.gov.bc.ca/pub/ahte/hunting/amend-grizzly-bear-range-authorization-limited-entry-hunting-zone-7-52

Categories: GeneralPolitics


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