
Parenting Cafes to be offered in Greater Trail area

By Contributor
January 6th, 2016

The Family Action Network knows that parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging jobs that a person does in their life. Our philosophy is that it takes a ‘village to raise a child and families to raise a region’. To provide a venue for parents to come together, share strategies, strengthen parent voice and learn about community resources for families, FAN is launching Conversation Cafes. Conversation Cafes allow people from all different walks of life to come together and explore a particular topic through dialogue and listening. They are not presentations or workshops, but rather the opportunity to talk with different people from our community about a particular focus area. Refreshments will be served and for those parents needing help to cover childcare costs, the the local Success by 6 Early Childhood Table from Greater Trail is able to provide a contribution towards child minding costs. This is time for you, as parents, to come together and be supported in your most important job – parenting! 

With support from the Columbia Basin Trust and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, and School District 20, FAN will offer six sessions throughout the Greater Trail region. There will be two different focus areas for the Conversation Cafes. Parents can attend the Café in the community closest to them and come out for both focus areas or just one, as they are able.  Our first Café focus area is ‘Zero to Five – Help Me Thrive!’. It is specifically for parents with pre-school aged children. We’ll discuss parenting strategies and we also want to hear from you about ways we can help our region be more child friendly.  The second Café topic area will focus on self-care for parents. With little ones depending on us, it makes sense to ensure we take time to look after ourselves.  We know that it isn’t always easy to make our own health a priority. The second focus area for our Conversation Cafes is “Self Care for Parents – An Indigenous Perspective on Wellness”. It is open to all parents, regardless of your background or ancestry. Kris Taks is Executive the Director of the Circle of Indigenous Nations Society and is our Café guest for that session. She will offer information about self-care using a holistic approach inspired by indigenous ways of knowing. 

Cafes are two hours long, and promise to be a lot of fun for parents and caregivers who attend. Space is limited, so be sure to contact FAN ASAP to find out the location and dates for Cafes coming to your area and to secure a spot.  For more information, visit our website: familyactionnetwork.ca

Fore more information: Contact Christy at 250-687-1501 or call FAN at 1-855-368-3707.

Categories: General


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