EVENT: Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith
For many people, science has all the answers to our questions about the universe, and for many others, religion has always had the answers. Is there a way to reconcile these two apparently opposing camps?
Castlegar United Church and St. David’s Anglican Church think there is, and are presenting the program “Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith” during the season of Lent.
The program title comes from a comment attributed to Vincent Van Gogh: “When I have a terrible need of—dare I say, religion? —then I go outside at night and paint the stars.”
What is the connection between religion and the stars? Is it that religion and the stars are constantly in motion and undergoing change? Does religion evolve like the natural world?
We can apply laws of physics and mathematics to predict the evolution of stars, galaxies and constellations, but mysteries remain. Religion, too, has changed and continues to do so. It is often forced to evolve, as ancient world views are toppled by new discoveries.
Who has not been awe-struck by gazing at the sky on a clear, dark night, away from city lights?
Through a series of video presentations, readings and facilitated discussions, participants will have opportunities to clarify their thoughts on the apparent clash between science and religion.
Facilitators are Joan Alexander, who has previously presented Painting the Stars in Ontario, and Bob Jackson, a retired teacher.
The sessions are open to anyone, of any religious belief or none, beginning on Tuesday, 2 February, at St. David’s Anglican Church, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The registration fee is $20, to cover the cost of materials. Readings will be emailed, but participants who request hard copies will be charged an additional $5.
For more information, see livingthequestions.com and to register, go to http://www.castlegarunited.ca/upcoming/painting-the-stars Space is limited.