
KAST, NTC host Robo Games at Tenth Street Campus

By Contributor
February 11th, 2016

In 2010, KAST and the Nelson Tech Club joined forces with 6 Kootenay Boundary middle schools in holding the first Annual Robogames.

Twenty-four students, aged 12 to 17 created the robotic entries which battled for robotic supremacy. In 2016, we’re hosting nearly 40 teams and over 80 participants in our largest, most ambitious event to date. 

Lead by NTC President, Brad Pommen, the Nelson, BC Hackerspace shouldered the mentoring and guidance, along with assistance from many of the society’s Directors.

Focusing on the design, programming and assembly, youth built autonomous robotic vehicles using Raspberry Pi, Lego Mindstorms NXT kits and Arduino-based rovers.  Robotics offers a unique way to engage youth in science and technology and is successful in doing so.  One hundred percent (100%) of participants surveyed after the 2013 RoboGames stated that they wanted to keep learning about science, technology and engineering. 

Seven out of ten respondents (70%) stated that they were thinking about a career in technology, computer science or engineering; almost half (44%) stated that their dream job was to become an engineer.  RoboGames is offered in partnership with the Nelson Tech Club, a community organization for technology enthusiasts who gather to share ideas, knowledge, resources and opinions in a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. 

With a motto of “Build, Learn, Share,” the club has over 300 youth and adult members and meets weekly at space donated by Selkirk College in Nelson. With members ranging in ages from 4 to 94, it is one of Canada’s largest all-ages, public Hackerspaces.

On Saturday, February 20, the Robo Games are Back.

Set of Selkirk College’s Mary Hall in Nelson, participants put their robots on display and competition.

For more information contact NTC President Brad Pommen at brad@robogames.ca

Story originated at The Nelson Daily

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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