
Trail first responders face difficult day Tuesday

Trail Champion editor
By Trail Champion editor
March 30th, 2016

A calamity of errors that plagued Trail first responders today has thankfully ended with no one harmed or injured, according to Trail top cop Sgt. Darren Oelke.

Oelke said Search and Rescue had been called out regarding a missing local man (see https://castlegarsource.com/news/updated-missing-trail-person-police-request-public-assistance-41028#.Vvsf3jHW48A for coverage).

“They were heading out for this call, to set up a mobile work station/command post in the Search and Rescue truck,” he said. “The Trail Bridge was down to one lane, and everyone was merging to the right in the slow lane, while the SAR truck was using the fast lane.

“A vehicle attempting to turn left had been waved forward by a fellow motorist during a gap in traffic, and didn’t see them coming,. They ended up hitting the side of the SAR truck.”

Thankfully, no one was injured, but traffic was slowed even further, as a tow truck had to be called to move the SAR truck out of the way.

Meanwhile, the RCMP member who responded to this MVA had actually been en route to the Gulch, where a 12-year-old pedestrian had reportedly been hit by a car. Luckily, there were no injuries in that incident, either.

But it’s certainly been a trying day for all, and the search for a local missing man continues.

At the risk of being unprofessional, the Trail Champion would like to advise residents to hug a local first responder today.

This post was syndicated from https://trailchampion.com
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