
Deadline approaches for entry into West Kootenay Camera Club Photo contest

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 5th, 2016

Camera buffs have a few weeks to collect those award winning photos for entry into the West Kootenay Camera Club Photo contest.

Deadline for entries is (Saturday) April 23 at 4 p.m. Entries can be submitted to:  Kel Print in Castlegar, Doell Photography in Trail, or Vogue Photography in Nelson. 

Photographer Jim Lawrence of Lardeau, a 12-year-member of the club, anticipates a great contest this year.

Lawrence is an ethical photographer and environmentalist, who strives to present images that instill understanding of our fragile wilderness, and inspire respect for life in endangered ecosystems.

In 1951, Lawrence moved with his family to the Lardeau Valley where, after extended global travels, he continues to call home.

During his time as a member of the WKCC, Lawrence noted an immediate desire to raise the bar of his photographic ability and involvement. Influenced by, networking with, and learning from other members hugely increased his skills and contacts. 

One of Lawrence’s highlights nowadays is the club’s annual Photoshow where member’s get to view images of fellow photographer’s work.
The West Kootenay Camera Club invites photographers of all ages, members and non-members, to enter their image.

Photographers can enter their photos in nine categories: wildlife, nature, human interest, creative images, flowers, plants or fruit, portraiture, architecture, travel and an open category. 

Ribbons are awarded to first, second and third prize photos in each category.

The public is invited to view the display of all photographs at the Kootenay Gallery.  The official opening of the event will take place on Friday, June 3 from 6-8 p.m. but doors will be open at 10 a.m. 

The Photo Show will continue over the Sunfest weekend and close at noon on Saturday, June 11. 

Visitors to the gallery can vote for one loonie to help select the People’s Choice Award June 3-5. The winner of the loonie prize draw will win a framed photograph by one of the club members.

For more information, entry forms, contest rules and regulations, visit the website.

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