
City takes action to address unsightly nuisance property on main drag

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
April 7th, 2016

The City of Castlegar is taking steps to address an unsightly and potentially dangerous property on Columbia Avenue, after a report offered at council’s regular meeting Monday night by Director of Planning and Development Phil Markiin.

“The 1067 Columbia Avenue property consists as one business constructed in 1950 and formerly used as a four-plex,” Markin said. “It is now vacant and has been vacant since 2013.

“Since 1981, the city has expended, and continues to expend, considerable resources in trying to get the property owner to clean up the site,” he said, adding council has received numerous complaints from residents and tourists regarding the condition of the site.

He said the fire chief and city building official inspected the property, belonging to Cochrane resident Buta Nannan, on March 1. The inspection found, he said, mould; weakened areas of the floor in danger of collapsing; roof leaks causing ceiling failure; dangerous and rotting front landing and stairs; debris, garbage and discarded furnishing throughout; a broken water line with water running steadily into the basement, and; compromised fire separation.

“If unauthorized persons were to gain access, the risks associated with occupation would definitely place the building in an unsafe condition,” Markin said. “The city has been corresponding with Mr. Nannan for at least 34 years in trying to get him to maintain the building and property. No attempts to repair the building have been pursued since 2013. Since that time, the building has deteriorated substantially.”

Council unanimously voted to declare the building a nuisance and to impose a Remedial Action Requirement, so as to allow the city to demand Nannan fix the property or, failing his compliance, for the city to demolish the building at the owner’s expense.

“Staff recommends that immediate enforcement actions be commenced to compel the owner to remove or repair the buildings.



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