
Fire Rescue Services respond to smoke coming from Nelson Apartments

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 13th, 2016

Some poor cooking skills in the kitchen resulted in a full-scale fire drill for residents of the Nelson Apartments at 302 Vernon Street Thursday afternoon.

“The fire appears to have originated as a result of burnt food that was discovered, and affected all three floors with the odour,” Nelson Assistant Fire Chief Michael Daloise said in a media release after emergency services responded to a report of smoke on the third floor of the Nelson Apartments.

Daloise said the 9-1-1 call came in at 3:55 p.m. Thursday of the report of smoke in the apartments.

Daloise said both on duty members responded immediately with five additional members responding from home.

When fire crews arrived, Nelson Police officers were already on scene containing the area and assisting with the evacuation of the apartment as the fire alarms sounded through the alley at 400 Kootenay Street behind Leo’s Pizza.

With light smoke in the hallways, crew’s primary objective was to determine the source of the smoke Daloise said.

“It was suspected due to the amount of smoke and the odour experienced outside that it was likely to be the result of unattended cooking, but crews were not able to confirm that it wasn’t still burning,” Daloise explained.

“Crews encountered occupants that had not evacuated during the search for the source of the smoke and assisted with the evacuation.”

Daloise said the occupant of the apartment was not in the vicinity to discuss the circumstances and Nelson Fire Rescue will follow up the investigation.

Nelson Fire Rescue responded to the incident with one fire engine, one ladder truck, and one utility vehicle. 

BC Ambulance also attended.

No injuries were reported as a result of this incident. 

“Nelson Fire Rescue Services would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that once they evacuate a building they should not leave the area in case they are able to provide information to the fire crews,” Daloise said.

“This information could be critical to life safety.”

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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