
100% Renewable Kootenays Launch

By Contributor
June 23rd, 2016

On Saturday, June 18, the West Kootenay EcoSociety launched its new initiative, 100% Renewable Kootenays, supporting clean energy, green jobs, and a healthy planet. The aim of this campaign is to transition the West Kootenays from fossil fuels to renewable energy by mid-century. Over 70 community members came out to the Nelson Legion Hall for the initiative kick-off and fundraising evening.

Guest speakers gave short presentations on renewable energy solution projects already taking place in the West Kootenays and beyond. Speakers included: Erin Thompson – youth organizer with the EcoSociety, John Fyke – resident of New Denver who shared information on Lucerne School’s solar panel project installed with the help of students, Rebecca Dale and Swami Satyananda – Yasodhara Ashram teachers, Ray Keen – Business Manager of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Cindy McCallum Miller – President of Castlegar Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Greg Powell – Minister of United Church of Castlegar, and Gillian Wiley – LVR student.

“I was inspired by the diversity of speakers already supporting the transition to 100% renewable energy in their own groups,” said Montana Burgess, Executive Director of the West Kootenay EcoSociety. “We had worker, faith, and youth constituencies present, as well as excellent West Kootenay regional representation from New Denver to Castlegar to Nelson to the East Shore.”

The EcoSociety hosted activity stations, like a silk screening station where the 100% Renewable Kootenays slogan was applied to shirts and patches, a silent auction with donations from dozens of local businesses, a used book sale, a Little Miss Gelato tasting station, and a “Solutions Tree,” where community members shared ideas for how to realize the transition to 100% renewable energy locally on leaves and they were mounted to a projected tree.

“This was truly a community effort. As the months of planning went on, our organizing team grew and four high school students joined, including three sisters. The energy, creativity, and leadership the seven younger people on the team showed was very impressive. We also had over 35 businesses donate for the event,” said Burgess.

Now that 100% Renewable Kootenays has officially kicked-off, the EcoSociety will determine what research they should undertake on how the West Kootenay region can reach 100% renewable energy by 2050 that will be complimentary to existing research from other organizations and local governments. The EcoSociety will also work with supporters to organize in West Kootenay communities to find residents, businesses, organizations, and institutions that support the transition to 100% renewable energy.

“This has been virtually all volunteer time to this point. We now need to fundraise so we can hire organizers to coordinate teams throughout the West Kootenays and get the necessary renewables research done,” said Burgess.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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