
Crash Investigation Seeks Witnesses

By Contributor
July 20th, 2016

Please note:  the earlier press release on this matter incorrectly gave the date of the crash as July 7.  The date of the crash in question was July 14.

West Kootenay Traffic Services are continuing to investigate a vehicle crash that occurred on July 14, 2016 on Highway 3-B near Fruitvale.  A 26 year old man died as a result of injuries sustained during the crash. Police are seeking information from anyone who  witnessed the crash, or who saw the tractor trailer unit hauling scrap cars immediately before the crash.

To help resolve questions about this tragedy, anyone with information should contact Constable John Rennie at 250-354-5144,  or West Kootenay Traffic Services at 250-354-5180.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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