
Cyclocross Race at Red, October 30

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
October 22nd, 2016

Some new excitement is scheduled at Red — the region’s first cyclocross race ever!  Hope for good weather on October 30, for the sake of cyclocross racers doing the  “Hallocross” event.  This is a fun race; for those rare individuals who don’t already know all about it, here’s a definition cribbed from Wikipedia:

“Cyclo-cross (sometimes cyclocrossCXcyclo-X or cross) is a form of bicycle racing. Races typically take place in the autumn and winter (the international or “World Cup” season is October–February), and consist of many laps of a short (2.5–3.5  km or 1.5–2  mile) course featuring pavement, wooded trails, grass, steep hills and obstacles requiring the rider to quickly dismount, carry the bike while navigating the obstruction and then remount​.”

For this event, costumes are a good idea — there’s prize for the best dressed rider.  And particpants can ride any type of bike they choose.

Registration in advance costs $25; on race day, it will be $35.  Interested? For full details, including times and divisions and more about the fun stuff, click this link  .  For a short-cut to the registration page, click here and scroll down to the “register” button.

Kids’ race (at 12:30):

There will be a kid’s race too — a short race on a modified course for Kids under 12.  Run bikes, pedal bikes, training wheels, bike with gears. Depending on numbers it will be split into smaller races depending on ability. Kids 10 and over may find these races too easy and may race in the Beginner category  instead.

For a video introduction, here’s some of a cyclocross race held in Victoria:


And here’s a shorter video from an event in Port Alberni:


Still want more?  Here’s one with a collection of glimpses of cyclocross moments:  


Sponsors include Red  Mountain, Tourism Rossland, Gerick’s, Alpine Grind, Mountain Nugget, and Norco/Live to Play  sports.




This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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