
Rash of B-and-Es continues with three more Monday night

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
November 30th, 2016

Three Break-and-Enters to local businesses along the north end of Columbia Avenue Monday night have police reminding business owners and residents alike to secure their valuables, according to RCMP Cpl. Brett Turner.

“It’s been an ongoing thing now, starting in mid to late summer,” Turner said, adding the rash of break-ins started primarily in the industrial area, but appears to have expanded to include retail stores and businesses as well. “They (the perpetrators) are looking for quick and easy cash.”

He said thieves are also targeting residential outbuildings such as sheds, garages, etc., stealing chainsaws, weedwhackers – anything of value that can be readily sold

“Our recommendation is that people don’t leave money on site, and if they have to, to secure it in a locked safe,” Turner said. “We also recommend that they invest in an alarm and/or surveillance cameras, and make sure windows and doors are locked and secure.”

He said vigilance is key in preventing serious losses, especially to businesses – becoming complacent can be easy in a small town, but an alarm won’t do much good if it’s not set, the safe won’t help if it’s left open, and so on.

He said police are vigorously investigating this unsettling trend, and would welcome any information the public may have regarding these crimes. The Castlegar RCMP detachment can be reached on their non-emergency line at 250-365-7721.

Categories: CrimeGeneral


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