
South Nelson Elementary Choir finalists in CBC’s Canadian Music Class Challenge

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 11th, 2016

There’s a local school choir shortlisted in CBC’s Canadian Music Class Challenge.

The South Nelson Elementary School Choir is one of 10 finalists for the national CBC contest.

South Nelson has qualified in the largest category of the Challenge, Elementary Class with Choral, which has 110 entries.

The winners in each category will receive $5000 worth of recording equipment for their school.

The winners will be announced on CBC radio Friday, December 16th

“This was a fun, rewarding process,” said Carmen Giffen, South Nelson School’s music teacher.

“Fifty children (a quarter of our school’s population) and I worked really hard together, and we are proud of what we created.”

The students chose to perform the song 2 Heads, written by Coleman Hell, that was on a list of 16 songs given to entrants by the CBC from which school groups could choose.

“The group of Second to Fifth Grade students spent a month, volunteering their own time (giving up lots of precious recesses) to prepare a song for this contest because they love making music together,” Giffen explained.

“Instrumentalists enjoyed learning challenging parts, and working cohesively to make additions and revisions.  The choir loved the sound and feeling of all their voices together, and coming up with fun actions.”

Giffen said she thoroughly enjoyed creating this with my students, and especially appreciated the group hug, and overwhelming amount of heartfelt gratitude I received from them after our performance. 

“I am thankful for the opportunity to show the kind of energy and enthusiasm that can accumulate when a music program is given the chance to exist, and is fully supported by staff, administration, parents, and students,” added Giffen.

One of the conditions of the contest was that entrants’ submissions must be recorded in a single continuous take.

The choir can been seen in this YouTube video link.

Students are excited to perform the song at the Capitol Theatre On Thursday, December 15th, following their performance of this year’s South Nelson Christmas Musical How to Train your Reindeer.

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