
Last chance to vote for Castlegar artist in Kootenay Music Awards

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
March 5th, 2017

A well-known local artist is a contender for a Kootenay Music Award for Best Video, after releasing the video Faded Away – and your vote could be the one that helps her win!

Christina (Nina) Amelio said the Faded Away video was filmed in the Nelson Cemetery.

“I know it’s weird to say, but (the cemetery) is so gorgeous,” Amelio said, explaining the song has special meaning for her, after the loss of her step-brother, Josh Evin. “I wrote it before he passed away, but I sang it at his funeral. For me, it’s all about losing someone.

“Josh isn’t buried there – that’s one of the reasons I liked the Nelson Cemetery. I was able to remove the personal part; I was trying to make it a little more broad, so it was for everyone, not just about my story.”

The video was directed by Dan Caverly, wardrobe by Heidi Smee.

Locals might recognize Amelio’s name from her work as vocal coach at Supercat Studio, or from her many performances at community events such as Spring Fling, Fall Fair and Sunfest.

“I don’t expect to make a million dollars performing in Castlegar, but if I can do it and make someone happy, I’ll totally do that,” she said.

Amelio said she is currently working to achieve a recording contract, or sponsorship to tour … but she’ll never leave Castlegar behind her.

“I’ve always said, no matter what happens, I’m still going to come back for Spring Fling,” she said. “Castlegar is home.”

Today, Sunday, is the last chance cast your ballot in the Kootenay Music Awards, by clicking here http://kootenaymusicawards.ca/vote-now/



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