
Castlegar cadet receives long service medal

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
March 15th, 2017

Recently Flight Sergeant Alec Pistak of 581 City of Castlegar Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron received his Long Service Medal.

The Long Service Medal is awarded by the Air Cadet League of Canada to Air Cadets who have completed four years of service with the Air Cadet Program.

During Flight Sergeant Pistak’s time with 581 Squadron, he has attended two Summer Training courses.  First he attended General Training at Albert Head, B.C. and, in 2015, he attended the Basic Sports and Fitness, also in Albert Head.  He is currently hoping to be selected for Survival Instructor, to be held at Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake during the summer of 2017.

The squadron meets every Tuesday evening in the Castlegar Cadet Hall at 216 8 Avenue.

The squadron always welcomes new cadets who are between the ages of 12 and 18.

Adults who would like to volunteer with the squadron are also welcome.

Quick Facts

·        Cadets is the largest youth organization operated by the Government of Canada

·        There is little or no cost for the cadets to be a member of Air Cadets and Summer Training is at no cost.

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