
UPDATED: Boil Water Notice now Water Quality Advisory

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 25th, 2017

Water samples collected from the City of Nelson water system indicate that it is no longer necessary to boil water prior to consumption a media release on the website said.

However, the Water Quality Advisory originally issued on May 6, 2017 due to elevated turbidity is still in effect. 

“Recent hot temperatures and resulting rapid snowmelt from a historically deep snowpack continue to result in elevated turbidity (cloudiness) levels in our surface water source,” the release said.

“This results in degraded water quality, but is not yet at a level where another Boil Water Notice would be issued. Elevated turbidity is a common occurrence during the wet spring season in Nelson.”

Staff said elevated turbidity in source water may impair the effectiveness of the disinfection treatment system. If disinfection is impaired, disease causing microorganisms may enter the water distribution system resulting in the risk of intestinal illness.

“People with undeveloped immune or severely weakened immune systems, infants and elderly may be at increased risk.”

“Due to the above concerns and as a precautionary measure, water users may still choose to boil their water – bring all water to a rolling boil for at least one minute and let it cool before using it or, use bottled water.”

City staff will inform you when the Water Quality Advisory due to Elevated Turbidity Levels is removed.

Boil Water Notice remains in effect until further notice

The City of Nelson sent out a release regarding the state of water Friday evening.

The Boil Water Notice remains in effect until further notice. We continue to sample and complete the required laboratory analysis. The City will issue an update as soon as new information becomes available.

 City of Nelson issues Boil Water Notice due to presence of E. Coli bacteria

Water users in Nelson are advised that staff has placed the city under a Boil Water Notice effective immediately after recent tests returned with the indication of the presence of two (2) colony forming units of E. Coli bacteria.

City staff said laboratory tests were conducted on samples Wednesday evening (May 24, 2017).

This Boil Water Notice supersedes and replaces the current Water Quality Advisory issued on May 6, 2017, due to high turbidity levels.

“The presence of coliform bacteria, including E. Coli, in drinking water supplies is a serious concern, and we are issuing this notice as a precaution,” the release on the City of Nelson website said.

“We will be implementing flushing and re-sampling our water distribution system to ensure the drinking water is safe.”

Samples returning with E. Coli can indicate the presence of organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting or other symptoms. 

“Boiling the water kills these organisms,” City staff said.

“People with weakened or undeveloped immune systems are most at risk. This can include elderly people, pregnant women and their unborn, children under two (2) years, people who are immunocompromised from illness or medications such as antibiotics or chemotherapy.

City staff are advising the public to bring all drinking water to a rolling boil for at least one minute and let it cool before using it, or use bottled water. 

Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth and food preparation until further notice. 

“We will inform you when you no longer need to boil your water,” City staff said.

“The City of Nelson is working closely with the Interior Health Authority on a resolution to this issue.”

For more information on the Boil Water Notice contact City of Nelson Public Works at 250-352-8238 or Interior Health Nelson Health Unit 250-505-7200.

Resident want to learn more on Food Preparation can go to the Interior Health document.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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