
Mayor issues statement on death of local woman in London terrorist attack

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
June 6th, 2017

Lawrence Chernoff, Mayor of the City of Castlegar, has issued the following statement on behalf of Castlegar City Council.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Christine Archibald and with her family, loved ones and friends. It has been such a shock to discover that a member from our community has been so tragically struck down. It shows evil has no boundaries – that such heinous crimes committed across the world can impact a family and our community here in Castlegar.

We echo the Archibald’s family in asking for positive remembrances for Christine. Evil can only be fought by good – in this case, the good of improving our communities and our society.

In Castlegar, our Council and our community always seek to leave this world better than we find it every day. I am proud that Christine started her wonderful life here and believed she epitomized these qualities. We are all so terribly saddened that her life has been cut so tragically short. We in Castlegar will continue to go forward in positive remembrance of Christine Archibald.”

Mayor Lawrence D. Chernoff

City of Castlegar

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