
Fortis to explain new rates at Castlegar meeting

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
February 6th, 2018

In response to questions from residential customers, FortisBC is hosting public information sessions to help customers better understand the possible impacts of the rate design changes it’s seeking from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC).

FortisBC recently filed a Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Design application that determines how customers are billed for the electricity they use. In it, FortisBC recommended moving to a flat rate by phasing out the current two-tier residential rate over a period of five years. The application also reintroduces a time-of-use rate to provide an option to help customers lower their bills.

While changes to rate design are revenue neutral for FortisBC, they could have bill impacts for customers as the difference between the two tiers is gradually reduced over the five-year period.

At the information sessions, customers can learn the facts about these recommended changes and get help calculating the potential impact to their own individual bills.

The Castlegar information session will take place Feb. 16, 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sandman Inn. Refreshments will be served.

Customers who are not able to attend in person can listen to an audio broadcast and view the presentation online on Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. at allwestbc.com.

For more about these sessions and the proposed rate design changes, visit fortisbc.com/electricityratedesign.

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