
High Streamflow Advisory issued for Kootenay, Boundary and Southern Interior

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 1st, 2018

The River Forecast Centre is maintaining a High Streamflow Advisory for the Southern Interior, Boundary and Kootenay regions according to a release posted on their website today.

“Temperatures cooled over the weekend after seasonally hot weather last Wednesday to Friday. Snow melt rates began to slow down Sunday with mid-elevation snow stations melting at 5-20 mm/day, while some higher elevation sites accumulated trace amounts of snow. Snowmelt rates are expected to be subdued for the first part of the week, then pick up later in the week due to higher temperatures.

High streamflow is being observed in many river systems fed by low-to-mid elevation terrain.
These areas include:

  • Boundary – including the West Kettle River, Kettle River, Granby River and surrounding tributaries
  • Kootenay – including the Moyie River and mid-elevation tributaries in the Castlegar, Trail, Salmo, Creston, Cranbrook and surrounding areas

Modelling is indicating the potential for flows to increase slightly on Monday in some watersheds before a general lowering through much of the week. Warmer temperatures are forecast for later this week, and will lead to another period of increased snow melt towards the end of the week and into the weekend.

The River Forecast Centre will continue to monitor conditions and update this advisory as conditions warrant.

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