
City to combine two directorships and create two new union positions

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 8th, 2018

The City of Castlegar issued a press release last night after voting six-to-one to release the information from their in-camera session (the dissenting vote was Councillor Bruno Tassone).

The release is as follows:

The City of Castlegar is excited to announce that Lucas Pitts, P.Eng. the current Director of Public Works has been appointed to take over both the Director Public Works and Director of Development Services positions. This change comes as the City prepares for the retirement of the current Director of Development Services, Phil Markin, who has over 30 years of exemplary service with the City.

By amalgamating the Director positions, the ongoing savings will allow the City to hire a much needed full time journeyman mechanic and a part time Public Works office assistant, both positions are within the union.

“By bringing Public Works and Development Services together under common leadership it makes the best use of resources and aligns our long term planning with our capital projects and operations” says CAO Chris Barlow

The change to the Director positions are effective immediately, and the new mechanic and assistant position will be posted soon.

“The great staff we have throughout the whole organization makes this kind of restructure possible” says Mayor Lawrence Chernoff “to be able to combine roles, be more efficient and add more staff to key areas without increasing costs to the tax payer is a major positive”

Categories: Politics
