
Selkirk College Celebrating SPECTRUM Success

Bob Hall
By Bob Hall
July 23rd, 2018

Offered for the first time by Selkirk College as a pilot program in January 2018, SPECTRUM is now ready to deliver invaluable resources about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to the world.

SPECTRUM: Lifespan Autism Resources & Training is an exciting, innovative online course offering perspectives about ASD across the lifespan to increase awareness and understanding.

“Feedback from the pilot has been resoundingly positive and we are excited to now offer this learning to more interested students,” says Selkirk College Instructor Lisa Thiessen.

Using a story-based multimedia approach including videos, lightboard technology and strong graphic elements, lessons are presented through shared interviews and real-life case example stories that elaborate on the content while bringing information and insights into context.

“We’ve been thrilled at the response to the stories, and most especially, to the videos of the local people who were gracious enough to speak candidly to us and to share their lives and their experiences,” says Thiessen. “Students have responded with resounding chorus that this was a powerful way to embed their learning in the real world, to understand and see real-life implications of the curricular work.”

Students can learn from home as it fits into their schedule. SPECTRUM will begin on the third Monday of every month and can accommodate up to 20 students per session. It consists of 12 lessons to be completed at an individual’s own pace with support from Selkirk College. The cost is $275.

SPECTRUM will appeal to education assistants, teachers, early childhood educators and community support workers who want to increase their qualifications and broaden their resume. In School Districts 51, 10, 8, 5 and 20, this course meets the Autism Training Requirements.

The training and resources are also valuable for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, caregivers, coaches, store clerks, bus drivers, individuals with ASD and anyone living in community, says Selkirk College Education Assistant & Community Support Worker Program instructor Jane Green.

“There is a strong community need for basic information about autism and the impacts it has at all ages,” she says. “Neurodivergent thinking just needs to be understood. Information creates insight, acceptance and inclusion.”

Learn more about SPECTRUM and register at www.selkirk.ca/SPECTRUM.


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