
Calling All West Kootenay Visual Artists

July 25th, 2018

The Rossland Council for Arts and Culture (RCAC) will be presenting Celebrate! 20 Years in the Making. This is a juried visual art exhibition in celebration of the RCAC’s 20th Anniversary.

20 Years in the Makingis both about what the RCAC has accomplished in their 20 years of supporting arts and culture in Rossland and a reference to the time and experience underlying the creation of each piece of artwork.

We invite you to participate in an exciting and fun weekend that includes the art exhibition, a member appreciation gala, and a fundraiser dance with the Devil’s You Don’t! More information to come.

The juried exhibition will be taking place at the Miners Hall on October 12th to 14th, 2018. Submissions are open to all visual artists currently residing in the West Kootenay region.

This call for submissions is for all original visual art pieces. All mediums are welcome: paintings, sculpture, fibre art, and more. 

A selection of the art works will be displayed at the Nelson & District Credit Union in Rossland until the end of October. The winner of the “People’s Choice Award” will go home with $150 for the piece that receives the most audience votes.

Deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2018. Artists must be members of the RCAC to register.

Submission information available at  https://rosslandartscouncil.com/upcoming-events/.

For more information please contact:

Meghan Wright

RCAC Executive Administrator

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com


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