
RDCK UPDATE as of 12 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20

Regional District of Central Kootenay
By Regional District of Central Kootenay
August 20th, 2018

All current Evacuation ALERTS remain in effect:

– Bulldog Mountain wildfire, affecting the area along Lower Arrow Lake from Renata to Shields
– Deer Creek wildfire, affecting the area from south of Deer Park at Cayuse Creek, northwest along the lake to the end of Broadwater Road, and north to the end of Deer Creek Forest Service Road
– Syringa Creek wildfire, affecting all of Syringa Provincial Park and southeast along Lower Arrow Lake to the Hugh Keenleyside Dam in Robson

The Evacuation ORDER for the Sheep Creek Road area due to the McArthur Creek wildfire remains in effect.

Current alerts and orders, along with maps, can be viewed on the RDCK website here: https://rdck.ca/…/emer…/evacuation-order-and-alert-page.html

As reported Sunday evening, the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is engaging in advanced planning with Emergency Management BC, and this will take place over the next few days. This collaborative process will help ensure that the EOC is responsive to changing situations, and prepared in case of worsening conditions—including potential evacuations of people in our own region and regions around us. Working together, we can better coordinate resources, support and information.

For helpful tips about preparing for possible evacuations, visit the EmergencyInfoBC Wildfire Information web page: https://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/

We will provide further updates as needed.

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