
RDCK thanks local fire halls for extraordinary service during wildfire season

Regional District of Central Kootenay
By Regional District of Central Kootenay
August 22nd, 2018

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) would like to recognize the efforts of RDCK firefighters from a number of fire halls in the region who are helping to fight wildfires. While the BC Wildfire Service is responsible for wildfire response, RDCK crews are on the ground in our communities helping to keep people and structures safe.

“I would like to personally thank all the crews who are taking time away from their families and going above and beyond their regular duties in these extraordinary circumstances to help keep communities safe,” said Dave McMahon, Regional Deputy Fire Chief with the RDCK. “Without their dedication and commitment, we wouldn’t be able to achieve our objectives of protecting people and property.”

Deputy Chief McMahon would like to recognize crews for the hours they are putting in and for making their local fire department equipment available for the coordinated effort. Fire halls supporting this effort include: Balfour-Harrop, Beasley, Blewett, Kaslo, North Shore, Ootischenia, Pass Creek, Passmore, Robson, Tarrys and Winlaw.

Nora Hannon, Balfour-Harrop Fire Chief and RDCK Wildfire Mitigation Coordinator, is being recognized for her leadership. Chief Hannon has been assigned as the Structural Protection Specialist (SPS) for the Bulldog Mountain fire. The SPS works with BC Wildfire Service and other agencies to assess the effectiveness of Structural Protection Units (SPUs) and to coordinate the deployment of SPUs and crews. An SPU is a mobile unit that dampens roofs and areas around structures to help prevent structural fires from igniting.

“There are so many other people involved in this effort, including fire chiefs from Ootischenia, Tarrys and Salmo,” continued Deputy Chief McMahon. “If I have missed anybody, please know that everything you are doing is appreciated—by us, and by the communities we serve. Residents can rest assured that crews are still available to respond in case of other emergencies.”

Wildfires are currently affecting a number of areas across the RDCK. Evacuation Orders are in effect for Sheep Creek Road area and the area north of the Deer Creek wildfire. Evacuation Alerts remain in effect for the Deer Creek area south from Renata Ferry Road to Cayuse Creek, for Renata and Shields, and for Syringa Provincial Park southeast to Hugh Keenleyside Dam in Robson. Visit the RDCK Evacuation Information page here https://rdck.ca/EN/main/services/emergency-management/evacuation-order-and-alert-page.html or call the EOC at 250-352-7701 if you have any questions.

Updates will be provided via the RDCK website, Facebook and Twitter as more information becomes available.

For more information:

·      Sign up for RDCK Emergency Notification System to receive notification of Evacuation Orders. Go to www.rdck.ca and select “Emergency Alerts” from the home page, or go to the notification system sign-up page at https://rdckemergency.connectrocket.com.

·      BC Wildfire – Interactive Map of Current Fires: http://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ef6f11c8c36b42c29e103f65dbcd7538

·      Public weather alerts for BC from Environment Canada: https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html?prov=bc

·      Highway closures and conditions from DriveBC: http://www.drivebc.ca/

·      For the BC Air Quality Health Index: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/epd/bcairquality/readings/aqhi-table.xml

·      For tips about living with smoky skies and wildfires from the Interior Health Authority: https://www.interiorhealth.ca/YourEnvironment/Emergency/MajorEvents/Pages/default.aspx

·      Emergency preparedness information and tips from the Prepared BC website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/preparedbc




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